The forests of Forest District
Local forests belong to widespread forest complex called the Zielonogórskie Forests (Bory Zielonogórskie). The forestation of the area is high, because it is 57,7%. Forests located in the western part of the Forest District Lubsko sustain close character forming one huge forest complex. The largest area cover fresh pine coniferous forests. However the most valuable are our forests made up of deciduous trees: beech forests, oak – hornbeam forests, riparian forests and alder forests.
Forest Promotional Complex "Bory Lubuskie"
Forest Promotion Complex "Bory Lubuskie (Lubusz Forests)" was founded on 19th December 1994 by the Director – General of the State Forests within the area of the Forest District Lubsko. LKP " Bory Lubuskie" is one the oldest forest promotion complex in Poland.
Polish forests
Poland is in the European lead, while concerning the area of all forests. They cover about 29,2 % of the country territory, and grow within the area of 9,1 million hectares. The overwhelming majority of the forests is state owned, of which almost 7,6 million hectares are managed by the State Forests National Forest Holding..
PGL State Forests
The State Forests National Forest Holding is the largest organisation in the European Union managing forests, which belong to the State Treasury and celebrating its 90 anniversary this year.