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Species protection is connected with the most valuable, unique and rare representatives of fauna and flora. In Poland there are 584 plant species, 90 mushroom species and 732 animal species taken under strict protection. 65% of wild fauna and flora species in Poland constitute forest species.
The State Forests undertake also their own protective initiatives. They help chosen animals and plant species to settle down places, where those species died out ( so called reintroduction) or where they are threatened with extinction (restitution). It concerns i.e. English yew.
Within the area of the Forest District Lubsko, there are many interesting plant species, among others beautiful, protected ferns: ostrich fern and royal fern.
There are many plants worth mentioning, namely protected plants in the Forest District Lubsko:
- 48 plant species taken under partial protection ( among others: lesser periwinkle, English ivy),
- 91 plant species taken under strict protection ( among others: sundews, lycopodium, lycopodiophyta, ostrich fern, myrica gale),
- 12 plant species from the Red List of Polish Plants and Mushrooms (among others: brown beak – sedge (Rhynchospora fusca), anacaptis palustris),
- 62 plant species from the Red List of Polish Plants and Mushrooms (among others: heath spotted orchid, many - stalked spike - rush, Alpine bastard toadflax),
- 61 species listed in of „Rare and threatened vascular plants of Lubusz Land and Lusatia (among others: small lousewort, early marsh orchid, broad buckler fern).
Thanks to protection programme of European yew, there grows a share of this species in our forest. Fot. Paweł Mrowiński
In forests of the Forest District, there occur also rare and taken under protection mushrooms, among others cauliflower mushroom, and a lot of interesting lichen species, for example usnea and wila lichen, whose presence is a testimony of clear air.
Usnea (lichen). Fot. Paweł Mrowiński
Within the area of the Forest District, there was confirmed the occurrence of 335 animal species. 168 species are taken under protection. From among protected invertebrates, worth mentioning are unique species of mollusc, such as: great capricorn beetle, hermit beetle, stag beetle.
The world of protected vertebrates is very rich. Among them, there live very rare ones in Poland, namely: northern crested newt and European pond turtle. The rarest representative of insectivorous order is lesser white – thooted shrew.
The mostoften in our forests we can meet wolfs, for whom big close forest complexes are a kind of chance for the species survival.
There also occur numerous breeding colonies of bats and places of their hibernation.
From among listed within the area of the Forest District 184 birds species, 65 species live in their nests in the forests, among others black stork, sea hawk and white – tailed eagle.
In the Forest District, there have been set the protection zones of refugia, breeding places and places of residence of rare birds, which were taken under protection, as for:
- white – tailed eagle (4 zones),
- black stork (1 zone),