Wydawca treści Wydawca treści


Local forests belong to widespread forest complex called the Zielonogórskie Forests (Bory Zielonogórskie). The forestation of the area is high, because it is 57,7%. Forests located in the western part of the Forest District Lubsko sustain close character forming one huge forest complex. The largest area cover fresh pine coniferous forests. However the most valuable are our forests made up of deciduous trees: beech forests, oak – hornbeam forests, riparian forests and alder forests.

In the forest stand of fresh pine coniferous forest, there  dominates Scots pine. In depressions and on the edges of water reservoirs, there grow also  silver birch and common aspen. On the bottom of the forest there are light mossy pillows – large white moss. In more fertile places, we can meet also other mosses, grasses and blueberries.

The poorest places, especially on dunes, are covered with (Subcontinental) lichen Scots pine forests (Cladonio-Pinetum) with lichens from claddoniaceae family living on the bottom of the forest. (Subcontinental) lichen Scots pine forests (Cladonio-Pinetum) are included to valuable forest complexes, which area has been decreasing lately.

Small area cover beech forests and oak – hornbeam forests. Beech forests (Luzulo pilosae-Fagetum)are mainly located in the northern part of sub-district Brody.


Squirrel. Fot. Paweł Mrowiński


Oak – hornbeam forests occur within more fertile habitats, that is why they were taken over by agricultural cultivations yet in historic times.  In the tree layer, there are English oak  and common hornbeam with admixture of elm and fraximus. In the layer of undrwood, there grow hazel, spindle, anemone nemorosa and yellow archangel.


East of Lubsko, there is very valuable of oak – elm – fraxinus riparian forest complex with very rich ground cover, where grows spring snowflake and  snowdrops.

Along streams and rivers, as well as in Lubsza Valley there are riparian forests. The main tree here is alder. On the most wet swamps, with standing water, there occur alder forests. Not very close forest stand presents here black alder.

In the forests of the Forest District Lubsko, there is very rich world of animals, plants and mushrooms. Apart from numerous stags, deer and wild boars, there one can meet rare  species of mammals , such as wolf for which large close forest complexes are the  chance for maintaining its population. There also occur many bats' breeding colonies and places of their hibernation, as well as there are nests of 65 birds species, among others black stark, sea hawk and white - tailed eagle.



Natura 2000 Area "Lubski łęg śnieżycowy". Fot. Paweł Mrowiński


Within the Forest District Lubsko, there are many interesting plants specie, among others beautiful and protected ferns: ostrich fern and royal fern. Thanks to the programme of European yew protection, there increases the share of this species in our forests.


Royal fern. Fot. Paweł Mrowiński


In the forests of the Forest District , there are also rare and taken under protection mushrooms, among othersSparassis crispaand many interesting lichen species, i.e. unseas and wilas, which proves, that the air in these forests is clear.


Arboreal lichen on larches in the Forest District Tuplice. Fot. Paweł Mrowiński