About Forest District

Nadleśnictwo Lubsko jest jednym z 20. nadleśnictw Regionalnej Dyrekcji Lasów Państwowych w Zielonej Górze. Gospodaruje na obszarze ponad 32 tysięcy hektarów (32.247,52 ha ). Nadleśnictwo Lubsko jest objęte programem Leśnego Kompleksu Promocyjnego "Bory Lubuskie".

Forest resources

The Forest District Lubsko manages within the area of over 32 thousand hectares of forests. The forest cover of the Forest District area is high – 57,7 %, what makes the highest percentage of the forestation in the whole Zielona Góra Province (49,7%) and exceeding almost twofold the forestation rate of Poland (29,2%). Poor, sandy soils make, that in the Forest District forests dominate coniferous forest sites (78,4 %).


One of the most important sections of forestry id silviculture. Silviculture based on experience of many foresters' generations and two hundred years old forest science, nowadays is the basis of modern forestry. Within the range of its actions concerning silviculture, there are included such issues as: seeding, nursery, renovations and afforestation, cultivation of the forest and others.

Forest protection

Forest protection is connected with the overall of activities being aimed at sustaining forest's sustainability, as for increasing its natural persistence against biotic factors, abiotic factors, as by performing preventive actions acting against unfavourable and harmful factors.

Nature preservation

Ochrona przyrody oznacza zachowanie, właściwe wykorzystanie oraz odnawianie zasobów przyrody i jej składników. Na terenie Nadleśnictwa Lubsko wśród różnych form ochrony przyrody warto wyróżnić rezerwaty, pomniki przyrody, Obszary Natura 2000 oraz użytki ekologiczne.

Forest use

Forest is a good, that is passed on to subsequent generations, but only in the view of its usage. That means, that collecting lumber, resin, forest fruits, mushrooms and other forest resources from the forest should be done in such a way to let the forest last forever and serve properly to the next generations. The foresters manage forests in the way ensuring them their sustainability and possibility of biological reconstruction.

Forest management

The forests of the Forest District Lubsko are located within the area of Lubusz Province, in the following districts: 1) Żary District, in such communes as: Lubsko Commune, Brody Commune, Jasień Commune, Żary Commune, Tuplice Commune, Lipinki Łużyckie Commune, Trzebiel Commune; 2) Krosno District, in Gubin Commune.


Hunting management within the area of the Forest District Lubsko aims to adapt, in the first place, the number of game animals to the level, which would guarantee a fulfilment of tasks concerning silviculture. According to the ecology rules and rational forestry and agricultural management, managing of game animals is a duty, that hunters belonging to the Polish Hunting Association, or foresters have to deal with.


RDLP w Zielonej Górze posiada dwa najważniejsze certyfikaty przyznawane gospodarce leśnej: FSC oraz PEFC.

Supervision over private forests

Oprócz lasów będących w zarządzie Lasów Państwowych w zasięgu terytorialnym Nadleśnictwa Lubsko znajdują się lasy innych własności. Nadzór nad lasami innych własności niż Lasy Państwowe stanowi Starostwo Powiatowe w Żarach oraz Starostwo Powiatowe w Krośnie Odrzańskim.