Wydawca treści Wydawca treści


Hunting management within the area of the Forest District Lubsko aims to adapt, in the first place, the number of game animals to the level, which would guarantee a fulfilment of tasks concerning silviculture. According to the ecology rules and rational forestry and agricultural management, managing of game animals is a duty, that hunters belonging to the Polish Hunting Association, or foresters have to deal with.

Hunting is one of elements of natural environment protection – it is define as such by the "Hunting Law" act from 1955. The game animals are nation-wide good and the property of the State Treasury. They constitute 20% of mammal species and 12% of birds living in Poland.

Forest areas of the Forest District Lubsko constitute the place of abiding large populations of wild animals, mainly stags, deer and wild boars. The mentioned game animals have significant influence on forestry, however within the Forest District area the level of damages maintains on the economically tolerable level.

Deer on the logging access road. Fot. Paweł Mrowiński
The tasks regarding hunting management include emergency feeding and keeping feeding racks, high seats, as well as establishing wildlife food plots, which are the  places with different species of bushes and trees eaten by animals ( willows, tilias, etc. ), but also buffer plots, which are  places located on the border of the field and the forest, and where cultivated are: corn, clover, topinambour and other plants. These places make animals stay at in these parts of the forest, where potential damages would be smaller.  In recent years, there has been noticed the significant decrease of the damaged  forest  stands.

The area of the Forest District Lubsko is divided into 10 game shooting districts, where there function 8 hunting associations.

Familiarize with the hunting offer.