
The Forest District Lubsko is one of 20 forest districts of Regional Directorate of the State forests in Zielona Góra. It administers on the area of over 32 thousand hectares (32.247,52 ha). The Forest District Lubsko is one of the biggest forest districts in Poland. The territorial range of the Forest Districts equals over 54 thousand hectares.

Photo gallery

Zapraszamy do obejrzenia zdjęć przedstawiających różne formy ochrony w naszych lasach.


The forests of current Forest District, until 1945 were mainly the private property, however most of them belonged to the large-scale estates and small landowners. The slight part were covered by local or state forests. The Forest District Lubsko was established on 1st July 1973 within its borders, and was created from the merger of three Forest Districts: Lubsko, Brody and Jasień.

Forest district arrangement

The Forest District Lubsko is basic, independent organizational entity of the State Forests working pursuant to the Forest Act. It is subordinated to Regional Directorate of the State Forests in Zielona Góra, which supervises and coordinates all the actions within its territory.

Projects and funds

W dniu 28 października 2016 r. Lasy Państwowe podpisały z NFOŚiGW umowy o dofinansowanie trzech projektów w ramach programu adaptacji lasów do zmian klimatu. Projekty uzyskały wsparcie z unijnego Programu Operacyjnego Infrastruktura i Środowisko na lata 2014-2020.


Lubsko Forest District co-operates with Landratsamt Bautzen Kreisforstamt (County Forest Office) from Saxony (Germany). The headquarter of the project partner Landsratsamt Bautzen Kreisforstamt is located in Kamenz. Further information can be found here.